We are dedicated to educating, engaging and inspiring.
Our Commitment to Excellence
Fairhill places great importance on the fundamental skill areas of reading, mathematics, and language arts.
- In grades 1 through 8, emphasis is on multi-sensory instruction of reading, dyslexia therapy, language arts, mathematics, science, social science, and physical education.
- Enrichment classes include art, music, drama, computer applications, robotics, library science, executive function skills, and communication skills.
- The fundamentals continue to be the core of the curriculum for grades 9 through 12, complemented by honors classes and electives, including college and career readiness, financial literacy, introduction to engineering, foreign language, visual and performing arts, journalism, the social sciences, digital graphics, film analysis, and athletics.
Fairhill’s curriculum is structured to meet state standards, while allowing each student to pursue electives that enhance his/her unique talents and abilities. Course requirements are individually accelerated to appropriately challenge each student to reach his/her full potential. Teachers integrate subject matter across the curriculum, preparing students for further learning experiences beyond high school.

Technology at Fairhill
Technology is an important educational element at Fairhill. Students at all levels are instructed in computer use as an integral tool to support the curriculum. Technology accommodates students’ different learning styles and academic needs. Student created computer projects, software applications, keyboarding, internet research, programming, and digital graphics are among the many ways that technology is incorporated into academics.
As technology evolves as a vital component in a well-rounded education, Fairhill continues to research, explore. and implement new and innovative technology applications.
The Fairhill library/media center provides a wealth of literature and information resources in an inviting setting. The library provides a gateway into literary appreciation by encouraging exploration into a variety of literary genres. Students, teachers, and parents utilize the center for scheduled checkout times, story sharing, research, and technology support.
Elementary School
Elementary School students complete seven class periods each day. Academic courses include Literacy Instruction (Reading, Language Therapy, Language Connections, Language Arts), Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education. Special courses are scheduled weekly and include Music, Visual Arts, Library Explorations, and Computer Applications.
Middle School
Middle School students complete seven class periods each day. Academic courses include Literacy Instruction (Reading, Language Therapy, Language Connections, Language Arts), Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Physical Education. Elective courses include Introduction to Drama, Visual Arts, and Computer Applications.
High School
High school students register for a total of seven classes each academic year. These are comprised of a combination of required core classes and elective classes.
Summer Program
The program draws on the strength of Fairhill’s exceptional faculty. All classes are small, allowing teachers to guide each student to the successful completion of a high school credit course. All credits are transferable and meet graduation requirements for the state of Texas.
Graduation Requirements
Students attending Fairhill in grades nine through twelve are required to have a minimum of 28 credits for graduation. One credit is granted for each full year of a class completed with passing grades. Fairhill also requires students to complete a minimum of 90 hours of community service to meet graduation criteria.
College and Career Readiness
We offer our students a college preparatory course in the 11th grade. This program is designed to prepare students for their senior year as well as an academic life after graduation. Students are exposed to lessons and activities that encourage them to explore their strengths and interests, set realistic goals for the future, and investigate careers and college majors. They learn how to prepare and send applications, write college entrance essays and resumes, apply for various forms of financial aid, prepare for SAT and ACT exams, and enhance test-taking strategies. While the course focuses mostly on college preparation, it also takes into consideration alternate career and educational opportunities, such as trade and vocational schools, and military options.
More About Fairhill
We had considered private school for our daughter, for years, but we struggled to find a place that fit her needs and personality just right. A family friend told us about Fairhill, and after visiting, we knew we wanted her there right away.

Parents of 7th Grader,
Fairhill family since January 2018