10th Grade
Course Descriptions
10th Grade Course Descriptions
English and Literature
The English II curriculum is designed to prepare students for the types of analytical writing they will complete in upper level high school courses. Students compose essays that expand and polish their ability to express a unique inner voice through lessons in grammar, vocabulary, diction, structure, and style. They also complete comprehensive research papers, developing the research skills necessary for writing papers in formal academic settings. Literature II devotes study to the exploration, interpretation, and response to literary works from around the world, identifying universal themes prevalent in the literature of different cultures. By means of developing greater multicultural awareness through reading and reflecting, students gain further understanding of themselves and the world around them. Emphasis is placed on reading comprehension skills, along with recognizing and understanding the techniques of characterization, tone, mood, point of view, and imagery in multiple genres.
The Honors English & Literature class is a combined class of freshmen and sophomores with a rotating reading schedule to accommodate incoming students each year. Reading assignments include an assortment of genres from different cultures and periods in history, encouraging reflection on relevant social issues and literature’s impact on society. Students apply their knowledge of literary concepts and connect the texts studied through class discussion, writing portfolios, and creative projects. Honors course registration requires a recommendation.
Math and Science
Geometry consists of the study of geometric figures of zero, one, two, and three dimensions and the relationships among them. Students study properties and associations related to size, shape, location, direction, and orientation of these figures. In addition to familiarizing students with the language of geometry, lessons provide insight to the role of shapes and figures in representing mathematical situations and expressing generalizations about space and spatial relationships.
Environmental science challenges students to think about their roles in our environment. Students explore how beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors affect the environment, as well as learn how scientists are working to solve the numerous environmental problems we face today. Topics include ecology and ecosystems, endangered species, our national wetlands, global energy needs and historic energy disasters, and consumption and recycling. Coursework includes textbook readings, online and written assignments, projects, and hands-on laboratory activities.
Social Studies
World geography extends Social Studies studies to more closely look at the cultures and customs of various regions around the world, such as the United States, Canada, Latin America, Russia, Eurasia, Africa, Australia, the Middle East, the Polar Regions, and Oceania. Topics covered include map making and map studying, weather, climate, vegetation, religions, cultures and their traditions, and governments. Students use periodicals as a basis for discussion, debate, and weekly research about current events in different societies.
World history covers many topics, including the transformations of civilizations, political systems, the expansion of world nations, the first empires, the development of religions, and the world at war. Periodicals serve as a catalyst for discussions and debates, inviting students to immerse themselves in the events taking place around the world. Additionally, students keep a notebook of weekly assignments concerning current events, and note taking skills are emphasized on a daily basis.
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Thank you for your energy and humor, and creating special bonds with me. Building trust and knowing that I can always come to my teachers for guidance.

Fairhill family for 6 years