11th Grade
Course Descriptions
11th Grade Course Descriptions
English and Literature
This is a combined, one hour course that progresses in a chronological sequence, focusing on important historical figures and events that molded the literature of America. Readings address American culture in the 16th-18th Centuries, the American Renaissance, American Romanticism, the Civil War/Post War Era, and the Modern and Contemporary Periods. Students complete both analytical and creative responses to the literature, examining and practicing the various writing techniques required after high school. Additionally, juniors complete grammar assignments, weekly vocabulary units, and a comprehensive
Honors English/literature at the junior and senior levels focuses heavily on independent reading, discourse, and the styles of writing that will prepare students for college level work. Each unit follows a thematic structure, connecting readings, discussions, and writing assignments that generate higher critical analysis skills. In addition to comprehension quizzes, several analytical essays, and a great deal of reading, lessons require students to write a personal response journal for each week’s assignments and participate in Socratic discussions with their peers.paper. Honors course registration requires a recommendation.
Math and Science
Algebra II is an extension of Algebra I and further augments students’ comprehension of the concept of functions. After reviewing the basic equations learned in Algebra I, students develop advanced algebraic skills by studying inequalities and proof, product and factors of polynomials, rational expressions, irrational and complex numbers, and quadratic equations and functions.
In pre-calculus, students use symbolic reasoning and analytical methods to represent mathematical situations, express generalizations, and further their study of mathematical concepts. Concrete, pictorial, numerical, symbolic, graphical, and verbal representations help students model functions and equations and solve real-life problems.
Chemistry is an introduction to the study of the physical world. Through lecture, group discussion, online and written assignments, and laboratory work, students engage in topics such as matter and energy, atomic structure, bonding, the periodic table, the mathematics of chemistry, kinetics and equilibrium, acid-base theories, redox and organic chemistry. Emphasis is placed on the development of critical thinking by using the scientific method.
Social Studies
The government curriculum consists of studies of various forms of foreign governments, the fundamentals of the United States government, the establishment of political parties, the roles of key figures, taxes, the powers of Congress, the constitution, and amendments. Local and national periodicals provide topics for class discussion and debate, while weekly current event assignments encourage independent research of the topics affecting and influencing our government today. This is a one-semester course.
Economics is a one-semester course that covers information in the areas of economic systems, business organizations, supply and demand, the Stock Market, competition, market failures, bankruptcies, microeconomics, and macroeconomics. Periodicals provide topics for class discussion and debate, and students keep a notebook of current event news stories as a weekly assignment. This is a one-semester course.
World geography extends Social Studies studies to more closely look at the cultures and customs of various regions around the world, such as the United States, Canada, Latin America, Russia, Eurasia, Africa, Australia, the Middle East, the Polar Regions, and Oceania. Topics covered include map making and map studying, weather, climate, vegetation, religions, cultures and their traditions, and governments. Students use periodicals as a basis for discussion, debate, and weekly research about current events in different societies.
World history covers many topics, including the transformations of civilizations, political systems, the expansion of world nations, the first empires, the development of religions, and the world at war. Periodicals serve as a catalyst for discussions and debates, inviting students to immerse themselves in the events taking place around the world. Additionally, students keep a notebook of weekly assignments concerning current events, and note taking skills are emphasized on a daily basis.
College and Career Readiness
CCR is an 11th grade, college preparatory course designed to prepare students for their senior year and life after high school. Lessons and activities encourage the exploration of strengths and interests, help students set realistic goals for the future, and investigate college and career choices.. Students will learn how to prepare and submit college applications, write college entrance essays, and apply for scholarships and financial aid. Course topics also include navigating a college course, note and test-taking strategies, and organization. While the course focuses mostly on college preparation, iit also takes into consideration alternate career and educational opportunities, such as trade and vocational schools, entrepreneurship and military options.
The second semester of College and Career Readiness is dedicated to Personal Finance. Course topics include behavioral finance, budgeting, checking, savings, managing credit, saving for the future, investing for retirement, insurance and taxes. Guided instruction is designed to help students understand the importance of financial responsibility, and gain knowledge that will empower them to make sound financial decisions.
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Thank you for your energy and humor, and creating special bonds with me. Building trust and knowing that I can always come to my teachers for guidance.

Fairhill family for 6 years