Fine Arts
Elementary, Middle School and High School fine arts opportunities

Fine Arts
Elementary and Middle School
Elementary and Middle School students experience “art history driven” Studio Art Activities.
They are taught to draw using sequential drawing lessons.
This method of drawing offers the basics for understanding and reproducing realistic drawings. A hands-on approach to making art is important in the motor development of manual dexterity, muscular control, and hand-eye coordination.
High School
High School students develop their skills and knowledge in art through experimentation in a variety of processes, techniques, and media.
The primary emphasis is to develop drawing and design skills, which are used as the essential foundation for all other art disciplines. The students will also develop a basic understanding and application of the art elements and principles.
Art I, Advanced Art, and 3-D art comprise the Visual Art electives
with Art I being the pre-requisite for Advanced Art and 3-D Art.

More About Fairhill
We knew public school was not a workable school option, and we needed to find an environment that would both accommodate his needs and offer academic advancement. Fairhill was a dream come true!

Parents of graduate,
Fairhill family since August 2015