Parent Testimonials
It is our honor to serve the parents and children in our community.
Education Designed to the Student
Choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions parents must make. Good research and instincts are helpful in the process. A school is chosen for a variety of reasons including quality academics, quality of the faculty and staff, a safe and orderly environment, moral and ethical values, and in the case of Fairhill, for the education designed to meet the needs of the learning different student.
Fairhill’s mission is to provide a superior education for students of average and above intelligence who have been diagnosed with a learning difference such as Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Auditory Processing Disorder, or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

Fairhill Family since 2016
Since kindergarten, it had been a struggle to find just the right school for both of our learning different children. When the time came for us to retire from the military and we decided to leave the Washington DC area, we specifically sought out a school that would support their learning differences. You could say Fairhill was one of the reasons we moved to Texas!
Since then, we have seen our children relax and experience true enjoyment in the learning process. We know the teachers love and understand them and work diligently to help them succeed. In second grade, my son used to tell us, “School’s not my style.” A few months into third grade at Fairhill he came home and announced, “I really am one of the smart ones!” Our response? “We always knew it, buddy!” In my daughter’s former school, she used to have chronic stomach aches leading to missed days at school and frequently cried at pickup telling us she was “stupid” at math. A few months after attending Fairhill she came home and told us, “I really can do math!” And no more stomach aches.
We are so thankful Fairhill found the scholars in our children. By teaching them how to learn, not just what to learn.
Fairhill has equipped them with the skills they will need to navigate a successful life.
Parents of 9th and 7th Graders, Fairhill family since August 2016
Fairhill Family since 2015
We discovered Fairhill School at a time when we were feeling hopeless about our son’s academic future. We knew public school was not a workable school option, and we needed to find an environment that would both accommodate his needs and offer academic advancement. Fairhill was a dream come true! It offered all that we were looking for academically, as well as provided amazing extra-curricular and athletic opportunities.
Fairhill School ensured our son a safe haven to develop a sense of belonging and ultimately go out into the world and be more than he thought he could be. We wish we would have found Fairhill sooner; but, we are so thankful we found them when we did, as it has been life changing.
Parents of graduate, Fairhill family since August 2015
Fairhill Family since 2018
We had considered private school for our daughter, for years, but we struggled to find a place that fit her needs and personality just right. A family friend told us about Fairhill, and after visiting, we knew we wanted her there right away. The small classroom sizes and individual attention from experienced teachers was just what she needed. After a few weeks, her grades improved dramatically, and she had so much pride and confidence about all her school work and activities. The best part, was that she was happy every day when I picked her up after school. It had been a long time since she felt that way. We are so thankful for Fairhill, and can’t wait to see how she will excel in the years to come.
Parents of 7th Grader, Fairhill family since January 2018
Fairhill Family since 2014
Our daughter attended a Montessori school from Pre-K through the 2nd grade. We begin to notice in the 1st grade that she was struggling to read, write and perform basic arithmetic. When we brought our concerns to her teachers, they were not aware and suggested that she was simply a “quiet” student. Soon after, our daughter was diagnosed with several learning differences that had affected her overall confidence and increased anxiety at school. We toured several schools; however, the Fairhill approach was markedly different from other comparable academies. The small class size and differentiated instruction that Fairhill provided was exactly what we were looking for in Education.
Fairhill offered a structured, secure environment, which allowed our daughter to regain her confidence and acquire the skills necessary to have a successful learning experience. Our daughter has become a very outgoing student, consistently on the student honor roll, performing at or above grade level. She has been actively involved in the school culture and was elected student council president. We are very pleased to have found such a wonderful home for our daughter and we look forward to many more years with our Fairhill family!
Parents of 8th grader, Fairhill family since August 2014
Fairhill Family for 7 years
When our daughter came to Fairhill in the 6th grade, we had no idea what a blessing this school would be for her. She had been diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADHD earlier and had been working with several tutors in addition to her regular classes. She still was only reading at a 3rd grade level and her self-esteem was non-existent. She blossomed while attending Fairhill and we couldn’t be happier. She graduated as class Valedictorian. She is now entering her senior year college where she is in the process of creating her own major with emphasis on anthropology, the sciences, and the arts. She hopes to enter either veterinary school or go to graduate school for forensic anthropology. Her self-confidence is overflowing and she is flourishing in college.
Every day she uses the skills she learned at Fairhill to learn in her own way. Being diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADHD is not the end of the end of the world. It just means that you learn differently and you need assistance in figuring out exactly how you learn. We are so proud of her and all that she has accomplished since her time at Fairhill.
Parents of Graduate, Fairhill family for 7 years
More About Fairhill
We wish we would have found Fairhill sooner; but, we are so thankful we found them when we did, as it has been life changing.

Parents of graduate,
Fairhill family since August 2015